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My Other Websites

These are my other websites. Feel free to visit them and make a purchase.

DALL·E 2025-01-27 16.05.07 - A sleek, modern logo featuring the name 'Dr. James E Shannon

Eclectic Blue Studios is a small recording studio for smaller recordings, podcast and broadcast.  For the bigger and full recording studio equipment, we can get studio time with Platinum Music Complex.  

White Lightning, a band that was created by James "XtremeOne" Shannon during the mid to late 80's played Heavy Metal.  XtremeOne is using his old band for heavy metal recordings using modern machine and digital mixing methods.  We hope you will enjoy the new music from White Lightning!

Beyond Red and Blue: The Rise of Third Parties in the Trump Era is James E Shannon IV's first published book. It is a intriguing political book about the rise of third parties 

The Eclectic Blue Studio store has merch for White Lightning, Eclectic Blue Studios, and Random Art from James "XtremeOne" Shannon.

James "XtremeOne" Shannon is James Shannon's stage name and alter ego.  He is a multi-instrumental musician and lead singer. 


He was a part of several bands throughout the years:
White Lightning

Eclectic Blue
On the Rocks
Rusty Parts

Black Cat Bone

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